In 2012, a group of people from Covenant Church came together to learn about Centering Prayer, a daily discipline of being silent before God, that was developed by Father Thomas Keating. Centering Prayer is based on Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” (KJV). People have read Father Keating’s book Open Mind, Open Heart and The Daily Reader for Contemplative Living.

In addition to practicing Centering Prayer together and discussing ideas presented in Keating’s books, members also practice Lectio Divina, an ancient tradition of listening to Scripture and allowing the Word of God to teach us and transform us. Leadership rotates among group members during the monthly gatherings. As a result of silently spending time in God’s presence, events from the past will come back to one’s memory, not necessarily during the Centering Prayer period, but at other times. Old hurts, wounds, traumas, etc. can be acknowledged and then released to God in exchange for his divine love. This process is transformative and allows one to better live lives that glorify God. If you would like more information on Centering Prayer or Lectio Divina, please visit

For More Information

Contact Viv Swoboda