
Zack Phillips is the pastor of Covenant Church. When he was about thirteen years old, Zack attended a summer camp where counselors encouraged him to consider the truth of Jesus’ claims about himself and the gospels’ claims about Jesus. He did—and became a disciple of Jesus.

As a college and law student at Harvard, Zack grew in faith as he participated in Campus Crusade and Intervarsity. In law school, exploring the question of how to think about litigation in light of the Sermon on the Mount, Zack was exposed, for the first time, to the richness and variety of the Christian tradition. Passionate about exploring such important ethical questions and the breadth of this tradition further, Zack earned a Masters of Theological Studies from Duke Divinity School and a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University (where he wrote a dissertation on the fulfillment citations in the gospel of Matthew).

Zack has learned more of the joy of participating in a local church in recent years. Zack and his family—wife Quincie and sons Kanai and Masa—began worshipping at Covenant upon returning to the Boston area in the summer of 2017. They instantly loved the worship and the community, and Zack became pastor in 2018.

Zack has a passion for teaching about Christian discipleship as an adventure, the Bible as a story awaiting completion and, by the Spirit, a word on target, the good news as world-creating, diversity in the canon as a gift, theology as questions and emphases as well as answers, hope as yearning for that day when God will wipe away every tear, the cross as Jesus’ victory over death, mystery as important.